Nora Gayzur, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Central Oklahoma

Mailing Address:

100 N. University Drive Box 85

Edmond, OK 73034

Phone: (405) 9874-5422


Dr. Linda Langley, Associate Professor of Psychology, North Dakota State University

 Research Interests

I have two distinct ares of interest in research: cognitive aging and human sexuality. My general focus of research is cognitive aging, which studies how memory and attention change as we get older. I have conducted experimental research in social cognition, cognitive aspects of aging, and neuroscience. I have worked on applied cognitive research research projects, including cognitive training and driving simulation with older adults. 

Currently, I have been assisting graduate and undergraduate students in funded projects. Those projects include:sexual education assessment, how age predicts sexual fantasy and desire (as assessed by pornography viewing), attitudes towards BDSM, how ACE's predict atypical sexual behaviors, LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the workplace, and attitudes towards masturbation.

Teaching Philosophy

I have taught two classes at North Dakota State University (NDSU).  In the Fall of 2008 and Fall of 2009, I taught Psychology 350 (Research Methods I). I enjoyed my time teaching so much that I am now a tenure track Assistant Professor at the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) in Edmond, OK.

I teach undergraduate courses, such as Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology, and General Psychology. I also teach graduate courses, including Advanced Cognitive Psychology and Advanced Developmental Psychology. I currently offer a one week intersession called the Psychology of Human Sexual Behavior.

I have mentored dozens of undergraduate and graduate students in my lab and have assisted with two honors theses. I am currently a member of the Graduate faculty at UCO in the General, Experimental, and Forensic Psychology Masters Programs. I am overseeing theses and actively serving on thesis committees.

I am also the Undergraduate Program Coordinator in charge of the undergraduate curriculum at UCO.

Curriculum Vitae

Here is a complete overview of my work.

Check out my professional profile and connect with me on LinkedIn.